Are you newly pregnant…like so new, not many people even know yet?
Do you want to learn how to start caring for your growing baby AND yourself?
Would you like a pregnancy planner that helps you now and beyond the bump?
If you're still with me, then keep on reading because what you're looking for is finally here!
This 20+ page booklet with timeless knowledge is yours to keep forever so you can refer back to it at anytime.
This mini course is self-paced. What does that mean? You can space it out or binge watch all 5 modules.
I can't wait to see you on the inside!
Well, I'll tell ya why.
It's because I believe there is a serious lack in the way we prepare and support women for motherhood- especially in the Western world.
And for American mothers specifically, get this. The US educates the heck out of women (we rank top 10 most educated female workforce on the globe and 57% of women are part of the American workforce...yay!) but apparently we think it’s ok to send them back to work in adult sized diapers.
Ya that's right. There is currently zero paid maternity leave in the US. Women are re-entering the workforce depleted and frazzled and worse of all- they are missing out on enjoying their new baby because stress is the biggest thief of joy. It's all just so turned around. We know that 1/7 women are diagnosed with postnatal mood disorders and that statistic is up to 20% in some states. Ya'll...this is what is REPORTED...what about the unreported?
My point here isn't to scare you, but it's to show you that this is a real problem. We have gotten so accustom to allopathic medicine and treating illnesses and seeking mental health support when we're already in dire need. We have lost the art of at-home care in mind and body for on-going wellness. We don't think about preparing for motherhood in a holistic 360 kind of way.
That is NOT okay.
It's my personal mission to help women make the most of this epic journey into motherhood by filling the gaps that I experienced on my own path and bring back the basics to help women get the motherhood experience they dreamed of their entire lives.
I’m sooooo excited for you and I can’t wait to see you on the inside. Motherhood is life’s greatest adventure and I’m stoked to help you feel empowered from the get-go!
Copyright © 2022 Anisha Pandya Patel, Masala Mommy - All Rights Reserved.